
Pilot FedPoly Ede Dual Award Open Distance Programme is NBTE Approved – Management


By Fedpoly Ede Management

Following the illegal suspension of the Rector of the Federal Polytechnic Ede on 21 grounds including dereliction of duties and the pilot implementation of the Dual Award Open Distance Programme (an academic collaboration between the Polytechnic and other institutions), facts emerging showed the Chairman Committe of Deans, Dr. Ajeteru Amusan in collision with the ASUP EDE chairman, well known to have a personal vendetta with the Rector hijacked and stampeded the Academic Board meeting held on Friday 11th December, 2020. Pressures have been made on the management by ASUP and estranged Deans to convert the pilot ODFeL Programme to DPT. A Committee Report Document and NBTE’s Letter of the pilot Programme Evaluation visit scheduled for December 14 – 16,2020 were availed us.

The AB Committee report Chaired by Dr. Mrs. Adewusi with members drawn from various Schools showed that the DUAL Award ODFeL programme started in the 2018/2019 Academic Session when an active Governing Council was fully on ground.The Dual Programme was approved by the Academic Board on January 21st, 2019 as an offshoot of the Open Distance Flexible Learning (ODFL) facilitated by NBTE since 2016. The programme adopted a blended and collaborative implementation approach at inception and was embraced by all and sundry seen as an innovative tool in achieving some of the unexplored technical vocational skills content enshrined within NBTE. The ODFeL approval have been confirmed on NBTE’s website and periodic NBTE Bulletins.

It was revealed since inception of the programme, members of ASUP have taught, examined and graded students of the Dual Award programme to which they have equally being well remuneratd according to the terms and conditions of their engagement. The Academic Staff however frowned at the enumeration model which is based on the actual hours worked and signed attendance.

Speaking with a Dean who pleaded anonymity, in his words ‘the ASUP Ede Chairman,Mr. Masopa Adekunle Nurudeen in collusion with some senior members of staff whose sole aim is to remove the Rector for not doing their bidding and covering their illegal activities have been making desperate attempts at frustrating the Rector as a way to make him dance to their tune.

It is equally on record that at a meeting between Management and Union, the ASUP Chairman boldly said “he would only allow the Dual Award ODFeL Programme to stay if the Rector recalls members of staff sacked by the 5th Governing Council for corrupt practices and also stays action on cases involving her members whom the Staff Disciplinary Committee has found guilty”.

He further stated it is a shame that the institution Ivory Tower that should set an example to the world and stand against corruption and abuse of offices has decided to become a tool to legalize sharp and corrupt practices within the system. It is equally a shame that people who should be engaged in productive research has made politics their focal point. The Union seems to forget that the Rector whom they are constantly attacking falsely is also a financial member whose right should also be protected.

The academic board did not pass a vote of no confidence on the Rector, because it is not within their powers to so do. The meeting of the academic board was only hijacked by some members who in collision with the union invaded a peaceful meeting and disrupted proceedings because they wanted to have their way by all means. The ASUP chairman and his excos even blocked the official vehicle of the Rector deflated the four tyres and even attempted to break into the office of the Rector. One wonders when an Academic Union has become an Association of hoodlums who has no regard for legally constituted due process in addressing perceived grievances.

For the avoidance of doubt, the DUAL AWARD ODFeL programme is not an illegal program and has the full support of and NBTE for pilot ODFL implementation. It is a collaboration that has been applauded by the regulatory bodies for it’s ingenuity and smooth operational structure.

As at the time of this report, students in the DUAL AWARD programme are writing their second semester examinations with NBTE scheduled for the Dual Award Programme evaluation for Dec. 14 – 16,2020.

The Dean concluded the Academic Board and management should focus on the scheduled visit for the best outcome. Constant attack on the Rector by the ASUP EDE CHAIRMAN and his cronies should be stopped. The Rector however must be commended for his resolve to stand by the truth and ensure equity, fairness and justice always. His quest for peace and smooth operation of the polytechnic academic calendar despite the backstabbing and distractions by power seekers should equally be applauded.

The Chairman Committee of Deans who was actually supported by the Rector when he contested for that office should refer to the Polytechnic Act and be guided by it. He should not allow himself to be use by those who don’t have the interest of the institution at heart and whose sole focus is to cover their corrupt tracks and harm done to the system over the years. He should equally for posterity sake, seek forgiveness from the Rector for stabbing him in the back and lending his voice to falsehood.

The Rector remains the Chairman of the board. As concerned members
of the Polytechnic community, we would advise the warring factions of the Academic Board to sheath their swords and engage more in intellectual and sound academic discussions rather negative acts that heats the polity. Let’s move the Polytechnic forward. Anyone nursing the desire to be Rector should do so peacefully and wait for the seat to be declared vacant in the next two years instead of seeking a Coup detat approach.

The NBTE had approved ODFeL for pilot implementation in 2016 for 27 other Polytechnics upon the successful pilot by the Polytechnic.

On the ASUP claim NBTE proscribed the ODFeL Programme, the Dean said ‘the NBTE meeting they so referred to till date has no written resolution to that effect that ODFeL has been cancelled. It is just a one sided account of the Chairman that exist in the public domain. Decision extracts of such meeting does not exist in the public domain. ASUP EDE should embrace change and appraise innovative ideas. Other Polytechnics are already welcoming the ODFeL programme with open hands. He should read the National ODFeL Policy and Guidelines for TVET Institutions on the operational procedures.

The Polytechnic has been commended for the innovation by NBTE recently with Programme evaluation due to the Polytechnic and partner institutions. A simple internet search of Dual Awards showed the existence in other parts of the world’s best educational systems,an outcome of academic collaboration.

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