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Asiwaju of Edeland: Retired DGs, GMs, Ex.Sec Felicitate Gov Adeleke

Gov Ademola Adeleke

The Forum of Retired Directors-General, General Managers, Executive Secretaries and Programme Managers of Osun State has congratulatee Governor Ademola Adeleke on his 64th birthday anniversary.

In a statement jointly signed by the President and Public Relations Officer of the forum, Chief Aderinola Adeleke and Engr Segun Ajayi respectively, the forum also felicitate with the governor on the conferment of the chieftaincy title of Asiwaju of Edeland on him by Timi of Edeland.

The statement reads in parts: “The Forum of Retired Directors-General, General Managers, Executive Secretaries and Programme Managers of Osun State congratulates our State Governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke on his 64th birthday anniversary.

“We also felicitate with the governor on the conferment of the prestigious chieftaincy title of Asiwaju of Edeland on him by Timi of Edeland.

“The Forum wishes to appreciate the tremendous achievements of Your Excellency in infrastructural development of the State of Living Spring.

“We also thank you for prompt payment of our pensions, gratuities and half pensions owed by previous governments.

“We wish you many happy returns of the day with good health and successful tenure as Asiwaju of Edeland.



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