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NPC: Tadese Assumes Office In Osun, Promises To Hit Ground Running

Dr Amidu Tadese

…hails members of staff’s teamwork spirit

The newly-appointed Osun Federal Commissioner, National Population Commission (NPC), Dr. Amidu Tadese on Monday assumed the state headquarters of the Commission in Osogbo following his inauguration by the the President.

Addressing a press conference at the commission’s Hall, Tadese promised to hit the ground running by ensuring that the rescheduled national population and housing census is a success in the State.

He urged the management and staff of the Commission to join hand with him in the actualisation of the agenda of current government led by President Tinubu.

Recall that Tadese was nominated in February 13th, 2024 and sworn-in in May 13th, 2024 by President Tinubu along side other nominee from Ogun state.

Tadese tasked member of staff of the Commission to key into the overall target of the federal government aiming at building a virile economy and repositioning the country to the path of righteousness, normalcy and greatness as dreamt by her founding fathers.

“We are here to hit the ground running. After today, we shall begin moving round the nooks and crannies of the state. We will be interacting with stakeholders across the local government areas of the state to let them know the importance of census. So, this is a collaborative effort, everybody must be carried along.

“As we all know, the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Tinubu is key to the development of this country hence the need for every patriotic citizen to key into the its actualization. For us at this Commission, we are not to be left behind and I can promise you that we are going to make a critical input in the realization the Agenda”, he added.

The new NPC boss applauded President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Adegboyega Oyetola for counting him worthy of the appointment

He said no effort would be spared in achieving the policies and programmes of the federal government in the commission.


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