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Oyetola salutes Nigeria @60, sues for peace, unity, perseverance


The Governor of Osun State, Adegboyega Oyetola, has congratulated Nigeria and the State of Osun on the nation’s 60th Independence Anniversary.

In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Ismail Omipidan, the Governor also called on the citizens to continue to live in love and apply dialogue at these challenging times to achieve the desired peace, unity, national integration and prosperity that we desire as a nation.

The Governor who said the ability of the nation to latch on its shared values and collective will to defeat and survive the vagaries of a civil war, political impasse, insecurity issues and economic upheavals in the past and stay together is indicative of its capacity to waddle through the present challenges and achieve its vision and destiny.

Oyetola thanked the People of Osun for their love, understanding and cooperation, assuring them of the avowed resolve of Government to continue to deliver peace, opportunities and prosperity at these challenging and austere times.

“As we celebrate the 60th Independence Anniversary of the Nigeria, I congratulate Mr. President, Muhammadu Buhari, the Government and People of Nigeria. Ours have been 60 years of opportunities, landmarks and challenges. But we have overcome the centrifugal forces of a civil war, political impasse, insecurity issues and economic upheavals through resilience, shared values and collective will as a people.

“We have in the last 21 years shaken off political uncertainties and run unbroken democracy. During these years, we have spoken as one people and given to ourselves self-government and nurtured the tenets of democracy. We have, in the process, proved our mettle as a nation under the prevailing circumstances. This should convince and encourage us that we have what it takes to survive our current challenges and come out stronger and better.



“Going forward, we must live in love as one people under God and continue to always employ dialogue, especially at these challenging times to achieve the peace, unity, national integration and prosperity that we desire as a nation.



“Let us continue to find and employ new ways to talk and collaborate to build a strong, united, indivisible and prosperous Nigeria, ” the governor added.



The Governor thanked the people of Osun for always pursuing the path of peace, love and good neighbourliness to achieve the united and prosperous State envisioned by their forebears.



“I felicitate the People of Osun on this historic event and I thank you all for always championing the cause of peace, unity and progress for the development of our dear State. Your collective resolve is the foundation for our government’s on-going equitable and sustainable socio- economic and infrastructure development.



“The Development Agenda on which we anchor our government has provided solutions to our challenges in all spheres, building our critical sectors – health, education, economy, agriculture and infrastructure – to put us on the lane of prosperity, progress and sustainable development.



“As part of the Federating Units of the nation, we shall continue to responsibly pursue ends that will achieve the vision and dream of our fatherland”.



Governor Oyetola noted that the nation’s enormous population and abundant resources are its strength and source of global respect, saying “we should persistently engage to find better ways to convert these enormous potential to local and international advantage for the good of the people and the nation”.



He counselled the people to always be guided by the motto of the nation, Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress at all times, saying those pillars would make the nation perform its responsibilities to the people and compete in a globalised world.


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