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They tell Nigeria ‘Lies’ Every October – Akinlolu, Says Might Need a New Name

Bandleader of Nigeria’s foremost contemporary folk and root music ensemble, Segun Akinlolu Popularly Known as Beautiful Nubia has said Nigeria as a country needs a change of structure and systemic rebirth to survive and flourish.
Akinlolu on his Facebook page puts a question mark on ‘happy independent’ to Nigeria written in capital letter suggesting that nothing can be said to be happy about Nigeria’s independent.
The philosopher musician as fondly called people who always tell lies about by wishing it happy independent every October first are not being sincere.
He urge Nigerians to stop paying lip-service and being pretentious that all is well about the country when it is on a path to doom.
“HAPPY INDEPENDENCE? They say if you love someone sincerely you should always tell them the truth – especially when they’ve surrounded themselves with pretenders and ‘lip-servicers’. You say you love Nigeria but persist in telling her lies every October 1; saying all those syrupy, flowery, empty prayers, when we all know she is not doing well at all and is on a path to doom”.
“For most of the people who call Nigeria “home”, there’s nothing happy about Independence Day. You may not like to hear it, but the disillusionment and anger is real and widespread. And it will come to a boil soon”.
“For her to survive and flourish, she needs a change of structure and systemic rebirth; she needs a brand new heart, a new culture – she might even need a new name! So if you truly love her, today and every day after, you will tell her the truth and do your part to ensure she embraces real change and reform” Akinlolu wrote.
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They tell Nigeria ‘Lies’ Every October – Akinlolu, Says Might Need a New Name

Bandleader of Nigeria’s foremost contemporary folk and root music ensemble, Segun Akinlolu Popularly Known as Beautiful Nubia has said Nigeria as a country needs a change of structure and systemic rebirth to survive and flourish.
Akinlolu on his Facebook page puts a question mark on ‘happy independent’ to Nigeria written in capital letter suggesting that nothing can be said to be happy about Nigeria’s independent.
The philosopher musician as fondly called people who always tell lies about by wishing it happy independent every October first are not being sincere.
He urge Nigerians to stop paying lip-service and being pretentious that all is well about the country when it is on a path to doom.
“HAPPY INDEPENDENCE? They say if you love someone sincerely you should always tell them the truth – especially when they’ve surrounded themselves with pretenders and ‘lip-servicers’. You say you love Nigeria but persist in telling her lies every October 1; saying all those syrupy, flowery, empty prayers, when we all know she is not doing well at all and is on a path to doom”.
“For most of the people who call Nigeria “home”, there’s nothing happy about Independence Day. You may not like to hear it, but the disillusionment and anger is real and widespread. And it will come to a boil soon”.
“For her to survive and flourish, she needs a change of structure and systemic rebirth; she needs a brand new heart, a new culture – she might even need a new name! So if you truly love her, today and every day after, you will tell her the truth and do your part to ensure she embraces real change and reform” Akinlolu wrote.
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